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Marie-France VIGNERAS (1981/1982)

Seminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

𝐴 - 𝑃𝑂𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑅𝐼𝑂𝑅𝐼 error estimates for linear exterior problems 𝑉𝐼𝐴 mixed-FEM and DtN mappings

Mauricio A. Barrientos, Gabriel N. Gatica, Matthias Maischak (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper we combine the dual-mixed finite element method with a Dirichlet-to-Neumann mapping (given in terms of a boundary integral operator) to solve linear exterior transmission problems in the plane. As a model we consider a second order elliptic equation in divergence form coupled with the Laplace equation in the exterior unbounded region. We show that the resulting mixed variational formulation and an associated discrete scheme using Raviart-Thomas spaces are well posed, and derive the...

2D-1D dimensional reduction in a toy model for magnetoelastic interactions

Mouhcine Tilioua (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with the dimensional reduction from 2D to 1D in magnetoelastic interactions. We adopt a simplified, but nontrivial model described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for the magnetization field coupled to an evolution equation for the displacement. We identify the limit problem by using the so-called energy method.

30 Years of Calderón’s Problem

Gunther Uhlmann (2012/2013)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

In this article we survey some of the most important developments since the 1980 paper of A.P. Calderón in which he proposed the problem of determining the conductivity of a medium by making voltage and current measurements at the boundary.

3D domain decomposition method coupling conforming and nonconforming finite elements

Abdellatif Agouzal, Laurence Lamoulie, Jean-Marie Thomas (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper deals with the solution of problems involving partial differential equations in  3 . For three dimensional case, methods are useful if they require neither domain boundary regularity nor regularity for the exact solution of the problem. A new domain decomposition method is therefore presented which uses low degree finite elements. The numerical approximation of the solution is easy, and optimal error bounds are obtained according to suitable norms.

3D-2D asymptotic analysis for micromagnetic thin films

Roberto Alicandro, Chiara Leone (2001)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Γ -convergence techniques and relaxation results of constrained energy functionals are used to identify the limiting energy as the thickness ε approaches zero of a ferromagnetic thin structure Ω ε = ω × ( - ε , ε ) , ω 2 , whose energy is given by ε ( m ¯ ) = 1 ε Ω ε W ( m ¯ , m ¯ ) + 1 2 u ¯ · m ¯ d x subject to div ( - u ¯ + m ¯ χ Ω ε ) = 0 on 3 , and to the constraint | m ¯ | = 1 on Ω ε , where W is any continuous function satisfying p -growth assumptions with p > 1 . Partial results are also obtained in the case p = 1 , under an additional assumption on W .

3D-2D Asymptotic Analysis for Micromagnetic Thin Films

Roberto Alicandro, Chiara Leone (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Γ-convergence techniques and relaxation results of constrained energy functionals are used to identify the limiting energy as the thickness ε approaches zero of a ferromagnetic thin structure Ω ε = ω × ( - ε , ε ) , ω 2 , whose energy is given by ε ( m ¯ ) = 1 ε Ω ε W ( m ¯ , m ¯ ) + 1 2 u ¯ · m ¯ d x subject to div ( - u ¯ + m ¯ χ Ω ε ) = 0 on 3 , and to the constraint | m ¯ | = 1 on Ω ε , where W is any continuous function satisfying p-growth assumptions with p> 1. Partial results are also obtained in the case p=1, under an additional assumption on W.

4D Embryogenesis image analysis using PDE methods of image processing

Paul Bourgine, Róbert Čunderlík, Olga Drblíková-Stašová, Karol Mikula, Mariana Remešíková, Nadine Peyriéras, Barbara Rizzi, Alessandro Sarti (2010)


In this paper, we introduce a set of methods for processing and analyzing long time series of 3D images representing embryo evolution. The images are obtained by in vivo scanning using a confocal microscope where one of the channels represents the cell nuclei and the other one the cell membranes. Our image processing chain consists of three steps: image filtering, object counting (center detection) and segmentation. The corresponding methods are based on numerical solution of nonlinear PDEs, namely...

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